Friday, July 17, 2009

Thing 23

I have really enjoyed exploring all the options presented in the Library2Play 23 Things.

1. I enjoyed using photostory to put together a slide show/presentation. This was really easy to use and fun. I also didn't realize how many relevant videos were available through TeacherTube and YouTube. Being able to introduce Algebra Songs into the classroom should add an element of fun learning to the class. Flickr was another great site more for my person use. Docstoc had some nice handouts for Algebra that I can see using next year.

2. It has made me realize that I really need to be better at keeping up with what is out there on the internet. There are a lot of resources. I need to set goals to incorporate some components into each week's lesson or each unit. It is very easy to fall behind on the latest things available. I need to set realistic goals, however, as in many cases alot of searching time is still needing to find the appropriate materials.

3. I didn't expect to get much out of the Nings but reading other teachers' experiences with the difficulties of teaching was very helpful. As a new teacher in a small school getting to read different perspectives was helpful. The ones written with a sense of humor on some of the topics were great.

4. There are a lot of things to explore and it can be overwhelming in keeping track of what each resource does. Possibly covering less material but more in depth would help with this. Also making sure that explicit directions are given for embedding things in the blogs would be helpful or that all components are operating as specified would be helpful. I struggled with this at some points.

5. Absolutely! I learned a lot and enjoyed it.

6. Eye opening.

7. On my way to do so.


  1. Hi,
    Again, visiting your blog to use my skills. Directed to five blogs to post comments. You are helping me to keep my focus with this project which I find is more difficult than I thought.

  2. Hey, I found you in 23 things. Wow, you finished it very fast. I dragged myself till the end. Way to go. See u when the school starts.
